Frequently Asked Questions


What is Physical Therapy?

Physical Therapy is the specialty field of evaluation and treatment of movement dysfunction across the lifespan.

Entry level providers hold a Masters or Doctorate degree, and many providers go on to Residency and Fellowship positions with the goal of obtaining additional Board certification. The American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties recognizes ten specialty areas, to include: Orthopedics, Neurology, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary, Oncology, Wound Management, Clinical Electrophysiology, Sports, and Pelvic Health.

Your physician, surgeon, or dentist may recommend physical therapy for management of your condition prior to undergoing (or concurrent with) other medical procedures, as it is considered to be a conservative and cost-effective strategy for management of many common injuries. Additionally, clients who have experienced injuries in the past often recognize the value of a skilled physical therapist as a first-line provider. Physical therapists are often able to provide valuable insight for initial management of a condition and may serve as a resource for navigating the complex landscape of medical practitioners and specialists specific to your issue.


What should I expect for my first appointment?

Your first visit to Seattle Sport will include a tour of our facilities and a comprehensive discussion of your health and wellness goals. Your initial evaluation will include an assessment of your range of motion and strength, and we recommend you bring a change of clothes that will allow us to gain a clear picture of your movement patterns as well. Tank tops are recommended for upper body issues, shorts are recommended for lower body issues. Please have all paperwork filled out thoroughly, as having a clear record of any relevant history, diagnostic tests, and current medications will be necessary to composing a comprehensive treatment plan.

If you will be seeing us for post-operative rehabilitation, please ensure we receive your operative notes prior to your appointment.

If you plan to use private health insurance, please provide your subscriber information prior to your visit so that we may assist you in verifying your PT benefits and tracking any insurer requirements, to include pre-authorization, that may be necessary to address before treatment is provided.


How do I know what appointment type I should choose?

A physical therapy initial evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of your injury status, medical history, goals, and functional limitations. This 60-minute visit includes treatment and an in-depth discussion of your proposed treatment plan. You should select this option if this is your first visit at Seattle Sport or if you are a returning patient with a new concern.

Performance assessments and coaching sessions are perfect for Seattle Sport clients who are looking to optimize their treatment outcomes for carryover to new levels of sport, activity, or competition, or for future clients who are looking to fine tune their skill set, define and reach new goals, or incorporate a program for minimizing injury risk. Performance assessments are not billable to insurance and are billed at Private Pay pricing rates.


Do you take insurance?

Yes, we accept payment from most commercial health insurance plans, with some exceptions. We are in-network with Premera, Lifewise, First Choice Health Network, Kaiser PPO, Cigna, Regence, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. We also accept Aetna out-of-network plans, Labor & Industries, and Workers’ Compensation.

Please contact our office if you would like assistance verifying your in- and out-of-network benefits. We will collect any co-pays and payments toward your deductible at the time of service. For clients who will not be utilizing insurance benefits, payment will be due at the time of service.

Due to Medicare regulations, we are currently unable to accept patients with Medicare coverage. We recognize this is an inconvenience and are happy to provide recommendations for excellent providers in the area.


Private Pay Pricing

For individuals who wish to pay out of pocket, prices for Physical Therapy services are as follows:

Initial Evaluation: $225
Follow up visit: $195

Discounted pricing is available for those who wish to pre-pay for Physical Therapy or Performance sessions. Please contact our office for additional information.

A Superbill may be issued at the time of service upon request to send to your insurance company for reimbursement according to your out-of-network plan benefits, if applicable.


What is your cancellation policy?

We expect that all clients of Seattle Sport are engaged and committed to their plan of care in order to experience optimal results. Your treatment plan is designed specifically for you and takes into account physiological healing timeframes and psychosocial factors that will be discussed during your initial evaluation. While we understand there will be times you will need to prioritize your responsibilities, we request that you respect others in the Seattle Sport community and provide a minimum of 48-hour notice should you need to cancel or reschedule so that we may offer your appointment time to others seeking care.

Failing to provide adequate notice will result in a late cancellation charge of $75. In the event of chronic late cancellations or absence, we reserve the right to revoke advance scheduling privileges.


What should I expect from a telemedicine/telehealth appointment?

Physical therapy sessions offered via telemedicine will be conducted over a HIPAA-compliant video conferencing platform. Telemedicine sessions are considered a covered service under most insurance plans. If you are someone who struggles with maintaining the gains made within an in-person appointment, we may find a telemedicine session especially useful to explore possible barriers to success within your own home. Additionally, telemedicine appointments are perfect for those who are unable to leave the home due to health, childcare, or transportation considerations.

For the best telemedicine experience, allow us to make the following suggestions:

  • Turn off all other streaming services

  • Place pets in another room

  • Be sure your internet, camera, and microphone are operational prior to the call

  • Position yourself in a space where you have enough room to allow for a full-body view on-camera